
Monday, July 4, 2011

Camaraderie, born on the Fourth of July

Hey, y'all!

It is still the 4th of July as I post this, and that means I had so much fun I couldn't wait to share it! (Or that I know if I wait, I'll forget to share it)
There was some covert nudging and elbowing going on in June that produced an invitation to a grill-out for the Fourth at my friends' house in Maryland, just outside DC-- but importantly, still accessible on the Metro. Kim and Juan have recently bought a house, and so we predict there will be many more such occasions to gather at. 

First rule of a happy marriage- be able to put up a badminton net together without anyone losing an eye: Check. (Note instructions booklet on the lawn)
First rule of a Fourth of July party- someone has to bring some mini firecrackers. These were the kind that could go on a fancy birthday cake, i.e. just my speed. Thanks to Doug!

First rule of a potluck grill-out- bring plenty of food. Luckily our hosts had a lot of spoons to go with. And the secret to drop-dead easy watermelon juice: a blender!

Oh, and side note: Juan was kept busy because he was very concerned about the flies. Here he is armed with a badminton raquet near the buffet table, awaiting the challenge.
We left in time to escape the drops of rain that threatened (but turned into nothing- just that juicy DC summer air), and as I exited at my metro stop, I could hear the fireworks on the Mall, a 20-minute walk away. As I climbed my infamous stairs, I had my own view of the fireworks- not anything to invite anyone over for, but it was enough for the fireworks gremlin to be sated:

Ah, home. And ready for my 4-day week.

I was in a rush to get to Maryland, but I made quickie versions (and severe alterations) of this, this, and this. Oh and by the way I made some pretty good chocolate chip cookies and Sin Bars for my weekend escapades- more on those later. :) Thanks to Kim and Juan for hosting!
And a bonus thank you for Mom sending me the Off-tastic battery-operated repellent fan. It worked- only 4 bites all evening!

1 comment:

  1. Glad you had a good 4th! Fun with friends/family is what it's all about! Am very glad the bug-fan worked!
